Michigan SSI/SSDI Benefits
The federal Social Security and Supplemental Security Income disability programs provide critical financial assistance to people with disabilities who are unable to work. Although the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) programs are different in many ways, they are both administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA), and only individuals who have a disability that meets the SSA’s strict criteria are eligible for benefits under either federal program. If you live in Michigan, and you are unable to work because of a severe physical or mental disability, you may qualify for SSI or SSDI benefits. Contact a knowledgeable Michigan SSI/SSDI disability attorney today to discuss your rights.

Social Security Disability Insurance
Social Security Disability Insurance pays monthly cash benefits to disabled individuals and certain members of their family if they are “insured,” meaning they worked long enough before becoming disabled, and paid Social Security taxes during that time. The Social Security Administration defines “disability” as a medical condition that is expected to last at least one year or result in death, and that prevents the individual from engaging in any “substantial gainful activity.” Unlike Supplemental Security Income, SSDI benefits are not based on the income of the disabled individual, though the amount SSDI recipients receive is calculated using an average of their past earnings. Social Security Disability benefits may also be available to:
- Your spouse, if he or she is 62 years of age or older
- Your spouse at any age, if he or she is caring for a child of yours who is younger than 16 years of age or disabled
- Your unmarried child, if he or she is younger than 18 (or younger than 19 if still in high school)
- Your unmarried child, age 18 or older, if he or she has a disability that started before age 22
Supplemental Security Income
Supplemental Security Income is a federal benefit program based on financial need, and it pays monthly benefits to people who have little income or resources, and who are age 65 or older, blind or disabled. Disabled or blind children whose parents have low income and few resources may also be eligible for Supplemental Security Income benefits. As of January 2017, the monthly maximum amounts for SSI benefits are $735 for an eligible individual, $1,103 for an eligible individual with an eligible spouse, and $368 for an essential person. Some states supplement the federal SSI payment with additional benefits, which vary based on factors like income and living arrangements, and those who receive SSI in Michigan may be eligible for this state supplement as well.
Michigan State Disability Assistance
The Michigan Department of Health & Human Services administers an additional benefit, called State Disability Assistance (SDA), in the form of cash payments to eligible disabled adults, as well as some individuals age 65 or older, and some caretakers of disabled individuals. In order to be considered for State Disability Assistance in Michigan, you must:
- Be certified as unable to work due to a physical or mental disability for at least 90 days from the onset of the disability, or
- Receive other disability-related benefits or services, such as SSI, or
- Reside in a qualified Special Living Arrangement facility, such as a Substance Abuse Treatment Center, Home for the Aged, or Adult Foster Care Home.
Contact a Skilled Michigan SSI/SSDI Attorney Today
When you apply for SSI or SSDI disability benefits, the Social Security Administration will collect medical and other information from you, and make a decision about whether or not you meet the SSA’s definition of disability. Unfortunately, a large percentage of disability claims are denied during the initial application process, which leaves many disabled individuals in Michigan without the benefits they are entitled to. If you believe you are eligible for SSI or SSDI benefits in Michigan because of a physical or mental disability that prevents you from working and earning an income, or if your disability application was denied by the SSA, consult an experienced SSI/SSDI benefits lawyer today to learn about your options.